“At EBC, we believe that our success comes before everything with a healthy and safe workforce. In order to provide a healthy and safe working environment for all of our employees, suppliers and subcontractors working under the authority of EBC or our subsidiaries, we promote impactful leadership, positive reinforcement and proactive involvement on the ground. We also recognize the right of workers to work in a safe and healthy work environment.
Since we cherish this value, the administrators, directors and those responsible at EBC must be actively involved and ensure that everyone is always protected. Starting with senior management, all managers and supervisors, regardless of their title, pay just as much attention to prevention and care as they give to productivity, and must proactively ensure that all staff under his or her supervision operates in a safe work environment in compliance with laws, regulations and all other applicable requirements.
Particularly this is reflected by monitoring and analyzing key indicators that measures staff proactivity. The communication of expectations must ensue evolution of these indicators, regular interactions with workers to stimulate a culture of trust and event reporting driven by positive reinforcement of good behavior.
As safety is at the heart of our concerns, I expect my entire management team to be proactively and sustainably invested in eliminating hazards and reducing risks. We believe that all of our workers have the right to adequate professional coaching, clear guidance and customized training so that they can safely perform tasks to their entirety.
We also expect our employees to follow work practices and procedures established by EBC, to take the time to properly plan their work before starting shifts, and to perform safe work stoppages when corrections must be made. It is everyone’s responsibility to work safely and to protect the health & safety of themselves as well as their colleagues.
We recognize that a safe working environment can only be obtained and maintained by a collective and concerted effort of all the partners involved in carrying out a project. This effort must be supported and guided by impactful leadership from our management. Proactivity, positive reinforcement and impactful leadership remain the keys to continuously improving our maturity in safety and to advancing on the path towards excellence.”
Marie-Claude Houle
President and Chief Executive Officer
ISO 45001:2018