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Women engineers at EBC: Breaking barriers and building a better future


By Démi Paré 21 June 2024

Each year on June 23rd, we celebrate International Women in Engineering Day, an opportunity to recognize the remarkable achievements of women in this field and to encourage young women to pursue a career in engineering. 

In this article, we highlight EBC’s inspiring female engineers that are making a difference on our job sites. Discover their journey and their advice to anyone considering a career in this field. 



Project Engineer – Mississauga 
Division: Civil 

Why did you choose to become an engineer?  

I have always been passionate about mathematics and physics, inspired by my parents, who were mathematics teachers. As I grew up, I was drawn to the practical application of these subjects and wanted to be directly involved in executing projects and solving real-life problems. Pursuing a career in engineering was a natural and fulfilling choice for me. 

What do you enjoy about working in engineering?  

As a construction project engineer, I enjoy the dynamic and fast-paced work environment that engineering offers. Each day, I encounter new challenges that inspire my passion for problem-solving and innovation. I appreciate being hands-on both on-site and, in the office, as it allows me to effectively bridge theory and practice. This dual role enhances my ability to translate engineering principles into impactful, real-world solutions, making every project a fulfilling journey of professional growth and achievement. Engineering continuously inspires me to push boundaries and create positive change in the built environment. 

What is your favorite part of your job? 

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my role in civil engineering is the blend of challenge and reward it offers. I find great satisfaction in tackling complex projects that leave a lasting impact on communities, shaping their future landscapes. Looking ahead, I eagerly anticipate sharing with my two-year-old child all the projects I have helped build. Each structure stands as a testament to dedication and innovation, embodying the values of resilience and progress that define our profession. It’s a privilege to contribute to infrastructure that will endure and serve generations to come.” 

What advice would you give to young girls considering a career in engineering?  

I would encourage young girls interested in engineering studies to pursue their passion confidently. Engineering provides limitless opportunities for innovation, problem-solving, and impactful contributions to society. Embrace challenges, nurture your curiosity, and have confidence in your ability to shape the future through engineering. Remember, the world needs your unique perspectives and contributions. 






Contract Administrator – Montréal 
Division: Building 

Why did you choose to become an engineer? 

“I became an engineer to manage projects that have a real impact on the world. I am passionate about contributing to initiatives that shape history, improve society, and reduce our environmental footprint. Project management allows me to take on stimulating challenges every day, push my limits and collaborate with talented teams to achieve great things.” 

What advice would you give to young girls considering a career in engineering? 

“I would tell them to go for it! Don’t be afraid to assert yourself and take risks, or even to make mistakes, because that’s how we learn and grow. The construction industry is changing and needs more and more talented women like you.” 






Project Manager – Québec 
Division: Building 

Why did you choose to become an engineer? 

“I chose to become an engineer because I like taking on daily challenges. This profession allows me to explore several facets of management, such as planning, coordination, communication, and operations control. Personal development is very important to me, and becoming an engineer has allowed me to fulfill myself, both personally and professionally.” 

What do you enjoy most about working in engineering? 

“What I like most about my job is accomplishing concrete goals. We start a project on paper, and it results in the construction of a building. Each project has its particularities, challenges, good and bad sides, but most importantly, we meet our objectives as a team. Vice presidents, directors, project managers, coordinators, superintendents, foremen, carpenters, and subcontractors all work together to reach the same goal: successful project delivery. For the entire team, project delivery is a source of great pride.” 

What is your favorite part of your job? 

“My favorite part of my job is when I participate in solving conceptual problems on site. It’s about understanding the problem, developing solutions, and taking part in discussions with colleagues, subcontractors, professionals, and engineers to find solutions and explore all possible avenues. Finding a solution to a problem is rewarding for the team and keeps us moving forward.” 

What advice would you give to young girls considering a career in engineering? 

“This field, previously reserved for men, is now totally open to women. We possess the necessary skills to fully contribute to this profession’s evolution. The environment is welcoming, and it is open to any woman that wishes to join the profession. Don’t be afraid, stand your ground and seize all opportunities and possibilities for advancement. Go ahead and dare to break down barriers.”